German Cemetery Langemarck

The only German military cemetery in Flanders Fields is located near the village of Langemark, part of the municipality of LangemarkPoelkapelle, in the Belgian province of West Flanders.

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The ‘Deutscher Soldatenfriedhof’

The Deutscher Soldatenfriedhofin Langemark is particularly poignant in its simplicity. Behind the monumental gate, made of Weserberg pink sandstone, more than 44,000 German soldiers are buried. More than 27,000 of them rest in a mass grave. More than 3,000 student volunteers from the 22nd to 27th Reserve Corps found their final resting place here. They died between October and November 1914 during repeated attacks in the First Battle of Ypres. Because of the large number of students among these volunteers, the cemetery was named “Studentenfriedhof – Student Cemetery”.

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